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January 2022 CME Activity: Efficacy of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation in the Management of Neurogenic Overactive Bladder A Randomized Controlled Trial
 1 CME
February 2022 CME Activity: Personality Predictors of Time to Return to Play After Sports-Related Concussion: Analysis of Survey Data from an Undergraduate Sample
 1 CME
March 2022 CME Activity: Clinical Factors Associated With Balance Function in the Early Subacute Phase After Stroke
 1 CME
April 2022 CME Activity: Who Recovers Independent Bowel Management During the First Year After a Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury? A Case-Control Study
 1 CME
June 2022 CME Activity: Cervical Spinal Lesion, Completeness of Injury, Stress, and Depression Reduce the Efficiency of Mental Imagery in People With Spinal Cord Injury
 1 CME
July 2022 CME Activity: Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy on Spasticity After Upper Motor Neuron Injury A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
 1 CME
August 2022 CME Activity: Effects of Core Stabilization Exercises on Pulmonary Function, Respiratory Muscle Strength, Peripheral Muscle Strength, Functional Capacity, and Perceived Appearance in Children With Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis A Randomized Controlled Trial
 1 CME
October 2022 CME Activity: Effect of Long-Term Exercise Therapy on Motor Symptoms in Parkinson Disease Patients A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
 1 CME
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