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Research Badges for Rehabilitation Residents
This step-by-step course is designed for PM&R residents to prepare them for conducting research for peer-reviewed publication. You can view all or any of the modules and use this course as a resource. (Junior faculty may also find this guide useful when mentoring residents). This will serve to 1) identify the knowledge and skills required for conducting research and 2) answer some of the most commonly encountered questions as PM&R residents undertake research and publication. This course is designed to assist trainees in performing scholastic activity and help learners feel prepared to embark on their journey into rehabilitation research.

Start with the introduction module which will explain the project and introduce you to each of the badges in the course.
Availability: On-Demand
Expires on Nov 01, 2025
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
Contains: 18 Courses
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